Illustrator / Animator / Graphic Designer / Comic Artist

SKETCHFLIX [Tony K] is a Tokyo based artist and designer from Houston, TX . He was born in Brooklyn ,NY and was raised in Texas where he studied and received a BFA in painting before permanently moving to Tokyo in 2006.

For over 20 years Tony has specialized in design, creating whimsical character illustrations and manga. He has also shown work in Houston , Austin, Los Angeles. New York City and Tokyo Japan.

Though he was trained traditionally as an oil painter and printmaker, he has always been influenced by Manga and anime, modern contemporary art in his work.

Now he spends his time creating art, producing and directing digital content in Tokyo though his production company 1kfilms. Recently he has been creating and producing content for a variety of companies such as Google, Youtube, Discovery channel, Olympic channel , VICE, and Hasbro.
